
It’s Imbolc!! Let’s Celebrate!!

Butterfly Perched on Flower

Wait, first, what exactly does that mean?

Well, the short answer is that Imbolc is the halfway point between winter and spring. Sometimes it’s called Candlemas or Brigid’s Day (or, less formally in the States, Groundhog’s Day), and in some cultures the day is celebrated with bonfires. Seasons are typically 13 weeks and Imbolc takes place 7 weeks into Winter, announcing that there’s only 6 weeks left until Spring. Imbolc is usually celebrated on the 1st and 2nd day of February. It’s a Sabbat, and the first one of the calendar year.  Sabbats and Esbats are ways of keeping up with the seasons and where we are in the year. A Sabbat marks the beginning of a season, and an Esbat is Full Moon that follows.

So an Imbolc Celebration is one that exalts the coming warmth and fertility of the Spring. It acknowledges the period of introspection, intentions, and planning that Winter brought, and prepares for the abundance and manifestation of those things which will be made possible with the coming warmth and vitality of the Sun. Traditional observances for this day include eating foods that represent the Sun, observing the first signs of Spring, lighting candles and reminiscing on the warmth of Summer, even wearing certain colors (white, red, yellow) and meditating with certain incense and stones (Basil, Cinnamon, Vanilla – Amethyst, Ruby, Turquoise).

Other ways to celebrate include a good cleaning and sweeping and away of dust and dirt from the crevices of your home, both inside and out, making this a perfect time for detoxing the body! (See what I did there?) You could also plant some seeds if you’re into gardening, or make a Brigid Cross for your door to replace your Christmas wreath. Of course a celebration without food and cake is simply a meeting, so make a meal to enjoy with your family and friends. If you have an altar or a special place in your home where you reflect or reverence the sacred, now would be a great time to refresh that space. And, of course, my favorite thing to do, take a cleansing herbal bath.

Whatever you decide to do this weekend, take some time to be grateful for all the growth and transformation that came along with the Winter, and please Please PLEASE make sure you have lots of fun!
woman smiling wearing flower crown


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