
Y’all, at this time in my life, technical difficulties are the bane of my existence.

Man Ate Yellow Lemon Illustration

Google+ is coming to an end, which means that all of my “stuff” has to be transferred or it will be deleted.  I can’t find any of my flash drives, and I just bought a 3 pack that I haven’t even opened. My computer was going super-duper slow – lagging, freezing, going black – which, thanks to a great friend, I finally got it taken care of (hadn’t been defragged since 2013!!). But that only lasted for about 2 days, because now the screen is all squiggly and discolored and disproportioned, AND it’s back to running slow and freezing. I think it’s dying y’all. I think my computer may go at any minute, and I’m gonna open it up and it’s not going to respond to me in anyway. I don’t want to think about it. But I have to…because I have a blog…and how can I blog without access to a working computer. The good news is there’s a computer lab in my apartment building! But there are only two computers, and a 2 hour daily limit per resident. And this weekend they are doing something with the power, so not only have the lights been out for hours at a time, the internet has been down as well.

I had this perfect picture for what I wanted this past weekend and week of blogging to look like-I was going to present a 3 day detox, complete with a grocery list and info on each menu ingredient and how it helps support detoxifying the body, I was going to post on Imbolc and different ways to celebrate, I was even going to post some healthy recipes for the Super Bowl. I haven’t been able to do any of those things. Life has enjoyed handing me lemons lately. Which is funny, in a “Really, this is what we’re doing?”, kind of way. Because lemons are great for helping the body detox, which not ironically, is what I wanted to focus on...detoxing. And they are also a big part of Imbolc celebrations. Good thing I’m sweet, and was able to make some lemonade out of all this.

I was able to go grocery shopping, and spend some time with my sister. I got to enjoy the beauty of 72 degree weather in February - that was nice. I also got a chance to do my hair (retwisting a whole head of dreadlocs are no joke!!) and I painted my nails. Gurl Powwah!! And a friend of mine invited me over for her Super Bowl Party so at least I got out the house and met some new people.

How was your week been so far? Did you celebrate Imbolc? What’d you do for the Super Bowl? I’d love to hear about your happenings in the comments below <3 span="">

 Time to Detox

 Moon Calendar



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