Imbolc Bath

               Have you ever had a milk bath? Queen Cleopatra apparently swore by them. You don’t have to spend your resources on a tub full of milk (I do wonder what that would be like though), you can just add a cup or 2 and it will do your body just as good. They’re reportedly beneficial for a number of things – eczema and psoriasis, sunburns and skin irritations, luxuriously silky smooth skin.  And don’t worry, even if you’re lactose intolerant, a milk bath won’t upset your tummy because you’re not ingesting it. Plus, you don’t have to use cow’s or goat’s milk to get the same effect, you can use a plant-based milk with a little apple cider vinegar.

               Anyway, Imbolc is a great day for a milk bath. You’ve spent the day cleaning, cooking, and celebrating with love, so why not take a little personal time at the end of your evening to reflect on all that goodness. I typically make a milk tea, and then pour it into my tub of water.

closeup photo of slice orange
Here’s what you need:

Pink Himalayan Salt – 3 Tbsp

Almond Milk – 3 c

Baking Soda – ½ c

Honey – ½ c

Rosemary - 3 Tbsp

Lavender – 3 Tbsp (or 10 drops of essential oil)

Sage – 1 Tbsp (or 10 drops of clary sage essential oil)

Basil - 3 Tbsp

Lemon - 1

Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 Tbsp

Large Pot

Here’s what you do:
Begin running a tub of water.

Sit salt, lemon and apple cider vinegar (and essential oils if using) to the side.

In your pot, combine milk, baking soda, honey, and herbs. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Zest the lemon, then, in a small bowl combine the juice with the apple cider vinegar. (Remove the seeds – they won’t be good for your pipes)

Pour salt (and essential oils) directly into your bath tub and gently swirl to dissolve.

When milk and herbs are finished simmering, remove from heat and add lemon apple cider mix. Whisk together, then let sit for 5 minutes or so, while your tub finishes filling.

When your tub is just about full, pour in the milk, and gently swirl to mix in with the water.

I love a hot bath, so I always have a few candles (use that taper/tealight candle from the Imbolc Meditation). Sometimes I even do a face mask, or have a cup of hot tea (those same herbs your used in your bath, steeped with a bag of Honey Vanilla Chamomile is delicious! Just use ½ tsp of each herb)

Voila! Your Imbolc Bath is ready for you to enjoy!

*Do a little bit of grounding and centering as you enjoy the bath and consider all the good that is in store for you.


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