Imbolc Meditation

Meditating on Imbolc…so many ways to do such a thing. My preferred way is to do a burning bowl. Don’t freak out, it’s not as dangerous as it sounds. You simply need a candle (white taper candle would be best, or even a tealight candle), a fire safe bowl, pen and paper, and most importantly – a quiet space. Oh yeh, and if you’re using a taper candle then you may want a little bit of oil and a few herbs to dress your candle.
First, I will explain what a burning bowl is. Very simply, it is a way to release. Release pinned up emotions, release words and thoughts that are hard to express or share, release things that have fully served their  purpose – or things that are not serving the intended purpose, etc. So how exactly is this done? It’s very easy. You take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and focus your thoughts, then write down the things you are releasing. And that can be in the form of a list, a prayer, a letter to yourself or someone else, or just your sporadic thoughts in no particular order. And then, you light that B*#$% up and set it on fire!! But for real though, gently crumple the paper (not a tight ball, you want it to remain breathable), and you light a corner of the paper and then place it in your fire safe dish. Now the most important part of this is to watch it as it burns. See the smoke and know that what you have written down is truly being release back to the Universe/atmosphere. Know that you don’t have to worry about it, or cry about it; know that your gratitude is acknowledged and accepted; know that you are now open to receive the blessings that are in store for you and that you are open to benefit from all the lessons that life has to teach. And find peace in releasing and in knowing, even if all you know that you have released the weight that was holding you down.
So for Imbolc, the theme of your thoughts will probably be something along the lines of reflecting on the important moments from the past two months (happy, sad, and everything in between); gratitude for all the happiness and growth that came from those moments; and looking forward to the joys of what is to come. If you are using a taper/tealight candle then you will want to wipe it with oil and dress it with rosemary, cinnamon, basil, and ginger.
So here’s the set-up:
Clean and quiet space, alone or with like-minded friends
All your supplies. Go ahead and dress your candle if applicable
A few moments to center and ground yourself with breathwork
Light your candle and while focusing on the flame think about the important moments, the gratitude, the lessons, and the joys that this winter has brought
Begin writing
Light your paper with the flame of your already burning candle, and watch the smoke as it rises, again giving thanks for all that you are releasing.
*Repeat the writing and burning process as many times as necessary
Spend a few more moments focusing on the flame of your candle in gratitude and in finding peace.
When you are ready, reground yourself with some basic breathwork, and then your meditation is complete.
I like to let my candle burn all the way down without putting it out. If you don’t plan on sitting with your candle while it burns, make sure it is in a safe place and in a contained candle holder, such as a lantern of some sort.
And finally, I take a cleansing bath, this of course is optional, but I like to cleanse my body after a burning bowl session.


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