Detoxing Round 2!

Back for weekend 2 (technically) of the February Detox! I hate that last weekend did not go as planned and my computer quit on me...but anyway, here we are, happy and refreshed and feeling good. I hope you all enjoyed the menu-not bad for a detox right?!
So this weekend features oranges! Another fruit full of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which is great for the organs; but, get this - oranges are amazing for the skin! They have a super high supply of beta-carotene which is the precursor for Vitamin A, and even though Vitamin A can be toxic in high amounts, the thing about consuming beta carotene through the diet and not as a supplement, is that when you ingest beta carotene from a food source the body only converts what it needs and the rest is filtered and stored within your fat reserves, which might give you a yellowish glow if you have a lot stored, but it won’t kill you (because it hasn’t been converted to retinal yet). I will end the biology/chemistry lesson there, and move on to the rest of the menu, which involves soup for two out of the three days. And soup we know is good for a detox because of the water content, but also because of the fiber content (which comes from all the veggies).
Let’s get to it shall we?


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