YOGA the 21st Century….

    What is it, and why do I need to practice? How, exactly is it done? And, at what point do I become/am I considered a Yogi ?

    These are some pretty standard questions. Especially when you’re new, or when you start realizing that affects you a little bit more than how a typical workout does. So back to the questions…

What is yoga, and why do I need to practice

If you are asking me personally, I would explain it like this…

If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, yoga is 3 things:
-a training in remaining aware of my spirit and its many reflections,
-the practice of showing compassion and innerstanding, 
-the exercise of recognizing my wholeness, as I am, in the moment


Yoga has been around for quite some time, so here is more about the history of yoga, and here is information on the theory

How is it done?

The short answer is by syncing your breath with your movement. 

That is the short answer and the intended outcome of taking classes in a studio on a regular basis. Yoga is a moving meditation which can be done in a chair, or while standing, or on the ground, or while you’re driving down the road. 

Now when it comes to taking a class, there are certain routines that are followed and certain terms that are used. I mean, we’ve all heard of Sun Salutations and Downdog. Check out this section to help prepare you for the studio :)

Becoming a YOGI

Here’s the truth-having a personal practice and becoming certified to teach does not make one a Yogi. 

To be a Yogi is to do more than just stand on your head and eat vegetables all day while staring into the Sun. It requires more than holding your hands in certain positions while you breathe using certain techniques. Doing these things doesn’t make you a Yogi, these are just things that a Yogi does.

There is a path, that develops into a lifestyle. And the further along the path you go, the less of modern conveniences you are able to hold on to. So even though the path is open to all, and lots of people are able to find balance with a simple familiarity, a Yogi is one who walks the walk in its entirety.

The Path
Guidance and Direction


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