New Year's Resolutions


Honestly, the idea of New Year’s Resolutions  is a little nerve-wracking. I feel like it requires me to make promises to myself that I may not be able to keep, and also, something about committing to an image that society says I should match up to just never works out well for me.

I’m so over all of it.

But, I must say that the energy surrounding today is pretty outstanding! I believe it’s safe to say that the energy of the majority of the people across the planet is one of newness. It is one of fresh starts, and different beginnings. And because I live in the Northern Hemisphere where it’s winter, there wind carries an energy that sings of preparation for the long haul. It challenges you to focus your thoughts and to make your actions intentional. It inspires you to set goals. It restores your strength, and reassures obtainability.

This is a notably positive time. There is comfort to be found and joy to be had! So what do I do with this abundance of energy that is being shared on the celebrated first day of the New Year? First, I give thanks, then I clean my home, and finally, I cook a meal.

What ways do you celebrate this day? Feel free to share below in the comments!

 Give Thanks
 Clean My Home
 Cook A Meal


  1. I rang in the new year with a virus but I do have some resolutions. This year I would like to love my body enough to eat and act healthy, then love my body not for it's image, but for what it does for me. I also want to find hobbies I can do with my neck injury and continue to work on mindfulness and my cognitive behavioral skills.


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