Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

And welcome back to Yoga! With Meg 😄

            A bit of a new look; and a freshly refocused direction, but all in line with the Union of mind, body, and Spirit.

So what’s new, aside from a different background and font scheme? What exactly have we refocused on, and what direction are we going? The simple answer to that is LIFESTYLE. True Yoga is about balancing the desires of the mind within the boundaries of the body, all in line with the intentions of your Spirit. It’s about living a lifestyle that portrays the highest standard of these three concepts. It’s about combining these things-desires, boundaries, intentions-into one, and then maintaining that Oneness. For me, that means that in both action and deed, that is conscious movement and subconscious responses, I am working towards becoming a more accountable, more loving, and more cognizant being.

And this blog is about my journey to that lifestyle. It is GREENer; it is Plant-Based; it is Active; it is Organic; and it seeks Singularity with Nature. So, not necessarily less of the Stars, just more of everything else. Healthy recipes, weekly exercises and daily routines, workout music, manageable habits, and well-rounded, comprehensive learning. Hopefully these articles encourage you to make the link from your mind to your body to your Spirit. Hopefully these articles encourage you to be mindful in all you do. Hopefully, the transparency of my life’s journey reassures you in the honest living of your own.






  1. I can't wait to join you in this journey!! I look forward to some new recipes and some stretching/yoga I can do with a neck injury! I have been working on mindfulness in therapy. This is going to be wonderful, Megan!! Happy New Year!


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