Cleansing My Space

shallow focus photography of lighted incense

Ahh, the start of a new year! Nothing reads fresh, new start better than the feel and smell of clean 😌

So today, I’m cleaning my house. From top to bottom, from wall to wall, I’m cleaning my house AND setting the tone for what I want people to feel when they enter my space. After all, this is the place that I live in – people should have a real feel of me when they are here.

One of the first things I do is laundry-the curtains, the cushions, the bedsheets, the clothes, the rugs-I wash everything! And I think to myself as I’m gathering the pieces, “Thank you for *your service* (providing privacy, cushioning my seat, warming me at night, etc.) I take this time to release all the moments in my life that have served their purpose, and I let go of all sad memories and negative emotions in this space. I’m grateful for what made me stronger and wiser. Now I open myself up to higher experiences and deeper love ♥️”.

Sometimes, I find that I can get so caught up in past memories or experience that they begin to define what a place means to me, or even worse, how I express myself. It’s good to give yourself permission to let go and move forward. I like to repeat that thought for every load of laundry as I gather each item. It’s interesting the different emotions that come up, but even more interesting, how much lighter I feel after I’m done.

I also sweep and vacuum each room before starting the next area. It helps with the whole mentality of releasing what’s old and inviting what’s new. Sweep it down, suck it up, and flush it away! That’s generally how I do it… I take my broom and start at the top of the walls, up in the corners, and I sweep in a downward motion, then from the floor toward the doorway. I make sure to get all the corners-across and down, and all the baseboards, the ceiling fans, and the vents. I wipe down the lamp shades, move furniture if need be, even straighten shelves and arrange closets! I mean, really, if I’m going to clean up I might as well clean all the way up! I wash the windows and clean the mirrors (and the dishes) (and the sinks, and tubs, and toilets) too!


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