New Year Astrology Report

If you followed my blog previously, or if you know anything about me personally, then you know that I am BIG into the Stars.  And although the focus my blog has shifted to encompass more of what I value and find important, my love of all things Astrology has only gotten deeper. With that being said, this post is to update you on celestial events and prepare you for the energy that you will encounter this month.

The first thing I want to bring to your attention is the overall energy for this year, 2019. 2+0+1+9=12+1+2=3. This year carries a Universal 3 Energy. In case you don’t know anything about Numerology, the number 3 carries a vibration that resonates first and foremost with joy, which brings optimism and creativity. 3 is a special number because where 1 energy carries a yang force and represents singularity and 2 carries a yin force and represent duality, 3 is a culmination of them both and represents multiplicity. 3 carries a sense of development that remains tender and ingenious. It is a smooth and flowing energy that is dexterous, proficient, and resourceful. But because 3 is the culmination of two different energies, it also brings about a heat that establishes limits and boundaries. Remember these things as you go through the year and meet with new experiences; let your actions shift with your intuitions to create unexplored avenues; recognize your limits but don’t be afraid to expand your boundaries. 3 is more than just one or the other, it is diversification, which is the true balance. Keep the term Triad in mind as you experience different things this year. The Life of one thing equals the Death of another, which creates the Birth of something new. It is not enough just to think about a thing – people have million dollar thoughts every day that they do nothing with. And it’s not even enough to simply initiate and complete a task; you must incorporate your whole self-thought, action, and passion-into all that you take on this year, otherwise you might find yourself feeling a sense of incompleteness, as though something is missing. Actions for this year must employ mind, body, and soul.

When specifically applying that to this month, we must consider the Sun and what it is radiating into us. Right now, the Sun is in the constellation of Capricorn, which rules the 10th House – Social Status. Think ambitions, think motivation, think career advancement. Use this month to give life to your aspirations, and to put some heat behind your inclinations. Diversify your vocation-are there any conferences taking place or classes being offered that you can take this month that will show you different ways to apply your talents? If so, make the most of them-you will not be disappointed with the outcome. And that is because later in the month the Sun will shift into the sign of Aquarius, which governs the 11th House - Friendship.
Having people that you can confer with and express yourself to is important. A lot of adults don’t think about making new friends. I find that the mentality with a lot of grown people is that you don’t need friends, you just have associates. That is some bull shit. There. I said it. You need friends! You need constant, genuine reminders that we don’t all have to go through the same things to get to the same conclusion. You need to know that Life has more to offer than just the things you’ve experienced. New people bring new ways of thinking, which presents new opportunities to grow and learn. Don’t get caught up in thinking that your way of life is the only way or even the best way. There are many, many roads that lead to Rome. Allow yourself to meet some new people this month with the intent to have varying personalities in your life this year, and let them bring you out of your routine patterns and into fresh encounters.

Yesterday was pretty eventful. We had a New Moon Solar Eclipse (one of three for the year, ha! look at that), which is great energy to shake out of what’s been holding you back and jump into something new. The celestial events continue their parade through the weekend today as Uranus comes out of retrograde. Let me tell you one of the reasons why this excites me-it puts all of the planets in forward motion! Nothing is retrograding right now! Can you say smooth sailing and ease of progress?
Ok, now that that’s out of my system, let me give you a quick little lesson on Uranus. It is the first of the outer planets, and it governs both individuality and innovation. The energy felt from the pull of this planet encourages originality and challenges your limitations without pushing your boundaries. When it retrogrades you might find your mental conversations have turned to redefining yourself and giving voice to the things you really believe in. You might find yourself standing up for things you had previously only recognized but not yet acknowledged. Now that Uranus is out of retrograde, and you are no longer surprising yourself with these newfound standards, be prepared to see some deeds to go along with your words and some action to back up your stance. Don’t worry, you’ve been subconsciously contemplating these things much longer than you realize, and all of your liveliness will be genuine and legitimate. This month will be interesting as you realize how easy it is to say no to the things that you previously went along with just because.

And while we are on the topic of planets and forward movement, I will bring up our beloved Mercury, which does NOT retrograde this month, but does make shift twice into two different signs.  The first shift actually happened yesterday (didn’t I tell you that this weekend was magical?), when Mercury moved into Capricorn. Take the next few weeks to notice if/how your conversations and engagements naturally shift toward career expansion and your lucrative ambitions. Then, on the 24th, shortly after the Sun shifts to Aquarius, Mercury will join. So, again, pay attention to the open flow of conversations and welcome opportunities for engagement. You never know what you might learn, or how you might advance.

There you have it! We can eagerly look forward to the newness of the January and to what the rest of the year has in store for us. This year has started with quite a bang! (Did I mention at any point that the Quadrantid Meteor Showers started on January 1st and will continue through the 12th, AND that they peaked over this weekend?) We had our First New Moon, which came with a Solar Eclipse, all in the first week. All of the planets are stationed direct; and all of your engagements for this month concerning career, ambitions, and relationships, no matter how challenging, will be surrounded by diversity and the optimism of creativity. What a grand start to the promise of an amazing year! The time for Renewal & Transformation has come! Life yours to behold, grab the reigns this month and command the show!


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