Renewal & Transformation

What a magical day it is! The first New Moon of the new year and a solar eclipse to go along with it!

Eclipse Digital Wallpaper

What is so magical about all of that? Well the New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle. Quite literally; the moon is the fastest moving celestial body and it only takes 28 days to complete a cycle. So today we have a new cycle beginning at the beginning of a new month which just so happens to be at the beginning of a new year! If you don't think that's magical, then you should think again. This is a great time to let go of all the things that didn't work out, release all those emotions that have served their purpose, and forgive all the people that did you dirty. Today is the day to begin again! And it's hard to move forward when you're dragging along old burdens. It's a new year! And a new month! Haven't you been thinking about trying new things or incorporating some new habits? Don't wait - start this weekend!

Do you have a vision board? If you do, take some time today to sit down and focus on it. Think of the things you want to accomplish this month and see yourself doing them. Really, take some quiet time to yourself and envision all the parts of the process required to reach that goal. Picture all the details, work out all the kinks, and let your thoughts that are positive and affirming. You can make this happen! You have the universe working with you! Seriously! There's a solar eclipse taking place today! The Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligning! In that order! There is a shift taking place tonight!

Over here in the West, we won't actually see the eclipse – it takes place around 5:38 PM EST that would be when the Sun is setting over here and rising in the East. If you are in the East, specifically northern China, Japan, or Russia, you are in for an amazing spectacle. But just as a side note, the animals are probably going to go crazy for a little bit. This event is important because it signifies transformation. The Sun, Moon, and Earth don't line up like this very often. And especially not at such a time as this – at the beginning of a new year! (The solar eclipse does typically take place with the new moon, and a lunar eclipse during a full one). This alignment, this shift, will affect you! It has to because the Sun affects you and the Moon affects you (because the moon affects the water and your body is 60% water and you live on a planet that is  70% water).

There is a spiritual transformation taking place! I know some people don't care for the word spiritual – try ethereal. Unfamiliar with that phrase? Use molecular. In this context they all translate the same meaning. I know you have been brimming with energy and exploring new thoughts, because I have. It's more than just the hustle of the new year! Make the most of this time and this weekend. Here are a few different ways to use this energy

Plant some seeds
Try some restorative yoga
Repot your plants
Declutter your space
Donate what you're not using
Eat a cleansing meal


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