Leaving 2019

Person Holding Clear Flute Glass

    Hey guys! I’m back. It’s been a minute, I know. I think the last time I posted we had just finished a Weekend Detox Menu for the first week of Spring I had given away half of my belongings and then packed up what was left in preparation to move 1500 miles west. If I remember correctly, my computer finally gave out on me the week right before I left for the airport. I made promises of a swift return and bringing with me the next step of the Spring Detox-a Drink More Water Challenge. Yeh. That’s right because I don’t think I had shared just yet that I ended a 2 year romance, or that I separated myself from a 3 year business relationship. And I didn’t realize what was happening at the time, I know for sure that I did not warn you about the new reality that was implementing itself into my life.

    So, about that move...
It didn’t happen.
Well, let me rephrase that--I moved, but it didn’t happen as smoothly or in the order that I planned, and I didn’t even end up in the place I intended to go! I never made it to the great awaiting adventure that was calling to me from Fort Payne, Colorado. Well, I made it to the airport...where there was no ticket...so I called my brother and got in a car and drove a measly 300 miles across the border of my neighboring state. As far south as you can go in Mississippi, to a sleepy little town called Pascagoula. I don’t know if any of you have ever heard that Ray Steven’s song, Mississippi Squirrel Revival but my Dad used to play it all the time when I was growing up, and let me tell you, it is most definitely a sleepy little town!

Blue Boat Docked Near Dock

    But I did enjoy my time there. I lived with my older brother who is a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy. It felt good to have some true quality time with my brother--someone who had the same upbringing as I did, whose morals and values reflect those of my own, someone who uses like minded processing when it came to figuring things out, but who had a little more experience in what life had to offer. My brother very gently, asked me a lot of hard questions. About the recent past and the current setbacks; about y future plans and next steps; about the reality of my dreams and aspirations; and, about the likelihood of my success and my working backup plans. Some very hard, straight to the point line of questioning. That I took head on, and answered without quaver. Don’t get me wrong, my brother (and whole family for that matter) is very supportive. The medical issues I have been facing for the past two years have been both limiting and rather draining, and the truth is, I had become complacent in both my pursuits and my studies. And it was beginning to show. So my brother became my accountability partner and for the 6 months that I was there I had just enough time to refocus my goals, make myself a priority, and put together a new and improved timeline for my business and next few ventures. I was able to sit down and revamp my vision boards so that they could really be a reflection of goals. 

Close-up of Clock

    And then, I made a phone call.
To a friend that I hadn’t spoken to in a while, but who had been on my mind for quite some time.
And that one, “Hey, it’s been a while, I just wanted to check on you”,
turned into nightly conversations,...
...which led to a road trip,...
and ended with packed bags and an actual plane ticket.

    So yeh, about that move...here I am, one year later, living in the complete opposite direction of where I was heading, and pursuing the next step in my studies and dreams.

Silver Macbook on Top of White Surface



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