New Year, New Decade

    Well, this is the first of many #DearDiary posts. I’ll be posting them from time to time, just asa a way to share my thoughts and experiences. This one is about what I want from this year. I mean after all, January started more than a new year, it also brought in a new decade as well! Which can only mean a new and improved me. I think, like most of the people around me, I had a very big expectation of 2020. And, even amidst another unplanned move, the global Coronavirus Pandemic, and a nation wide house arrest order, I still do. I also think it is safe to say that so far, 2020 has been...pandemonium a perplexing challenge, to say the least. For me personally, it feels like everything that I have been working on with both my ambitions and my inner self, has all come to a head. This year is the test, the assessment, and the alignment. No more playing games, no more excuses and allowances, no more lowly-gagging. The time has come. At least that’s what I feel like. And what I was feeling like at the end of 2019 (although, maybe not to the extremity that 2020 has presented). So, here, I present to you, my personal journal entry from January 1, 2020…

Brown Booklet Near Two Jars

    Alright Meg, this is it! This year we make it happen—ADULTING-effectively and efficiently in ALL AREAS! You’re gonna read your books and actually apply the information as you learn it’ you’re going to get these finances and credit in order (including savings and a vacation fund); and, as a matter of fat, you’re going to put yourself in position to purchase a home by the Time you turn 30. You’re going to get your home office organized and get this virtual store up and running. You’re going to finish this book and get it published; you’re going to tailor your services for more accessibility for others; you’re going to check off this last fitness license, and then begin on your herbalism and natural medicine courses. 

    You’re focused. You think about things forwards and backwards and then you act with intent. You work on your WHOLE SELF, and it shows. You are in touch with reality and in tune with Nature. You look for opportunities that safely expand your intelligence and raise your vibration, and you find them. Positivity presents itself to you constantly throughout the day, and you accept the positive side of everything.  You realize your goals. You manifest your dreams. You work hard and you come out on top.
    You are a loving being and you attract happiness. You are the love that you give, and you give the love that you wish to receive. And you receive the love that you deserve to get. You have an amazing man, who loves you dearly, better than you’ve ever been loved before, and you look for ways to return that love back to him. You are grateful and appreciative, and how lucky you are that it is reciprocated. Never stop giving the love that you want in return. 

    And now, more than ever, practice returning to your peace at every chance you get. Increase your meditation-both the amount of time and the techniques that you use. You’re getting older and the world is changing-ground yourself, and stay rooted. Be aware of your surroundings, but not afraid to take chances. Life is hard, don’t let it make you cold. Forgive. Yourself and others. Forgive. Completely. Accept the lesson of patience when it is taught to you-which is actually probably your biggest challenge for this year, Meg-PATIENCE.
Lastly, social media is wilder than ever, don’t get caught up in following other people’s drama. Spread some peace, market yourself, and log off.

Oh yeh, and you need to make some more REAL friends, that you can link up with and learn with and be encouraged by. This is the year to make things happen; this is the year that makes the last few count.

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020!


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