Coronavirus Pandemic

    I saw this meme yesterday that made me literally bust out laughing.
It equated the Coronavirus Pandemic to the 8 mile, uphill walk in the snow that our parents and grandparents love to tell us about.

The struggles they went through as a youth, fighting boredom and lacking the modern advances that we currently have to help them out. I laughed because I’m tired of seeing people talk about being bored in the house...the same way I was tired of hearing my dad telling me about walking in the snow, without any heat, uphill, carrying all his books, and being chased by a dog! I’m just saying, we get the point, all the extra is a little...extra. I also laughed because it’s true. This new development with the Coronavirus is a very serious thing that has affected all of our lives in so many ways. Disease and sickness is an inherent part of life that modern technology has unfortunately allowed us to become impartial to. This moment in history has brought that reality back in touch with everyone everywhere. It has been eye-opening and habit checking. It has woken people up, and made them both alert and aware.

    My city is currently in a state of emergency, and an order to Stay Home, and a statewide curfew in place that could result in fines and court fees. Schools and colleges have closed their facilities and gone to online coursework. Non-essential businesses have transitioned to work from home or they have been closed indefinitely; and the essential ones now have limited hours of operation. This is a very serious thing that is producing very real issues that we will be telling our children, and children’s children about for quite some time.

    Since we are all stuck at home spending quality time with our loved ones, or catching up on Netflix, or just staring at the walls, here are a few preventative measures that you may want to start incorporating

In case you were not doing it before it became hot..
When you or sneeze , because we all do during random times, not just when there is pollen or pepper around, just make sure that cover your airways with a disposable cloth
or in the crook of your elbows. And about this whole hand washing thing...use an antibacterial soap and make sure that you suds your hands long enough to actually get the dirt and germs off. Which also means you need to wash your whole hand, which includes your wrists, the backs of your hands, and in between your fingers. And of course, while we are in the midst of a pandemic, it would not hurt to keep some hand sanitizer on your and squirt a little after you complete your exchanges and general activities with the public. 

Stock up...
The biggest thing I do not understand about this whole thing is why all the toilet tissue and paper towels are gone, but all the fruits and veggies are still there. One of the things that will help you and your family the most
is going to be making sure that you all are getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals. You don’t have to go crazy by eating an entire bottle of vitamin C gummies in one won’t help anyway. Do make sure you are getting plenty of vitamin C though, as well as Magnesium and Zinc. The Sun does pack a lot of power when it comes to maintaining a healthy body, so make sure you are getting sunshine and vitamin D.

Mental health is very important, and society is finally making it more of the priority that it should have always been, 
but mental health and personal energy during this time is of extreme importance. So how exactly do you rejuvenate your energy? Well, there are lots of ways, and you don’t have to change your entire lifestyle to incorporate them.


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