What Do Things Mean

    You ever wonder why certain things stand out to you at certain moments in your existence? Ya know, like, I’m debating making a move and I decide to go with it, then I look up and the clock says 1234, and I put my shoes on to go outside and a Meadowlark swoops in front of my door, and I get in my car to pull off and that song comes on.
You ever wonder what that means? Like, Why at this moment, when this thought is in my head, you decide to call my attention? I know that I can’t be the only one. I’m sure other people google it too-the spiritual meanings of certain animals or insects. That may even be how you ended up on this page. What do things mean? When I talk out into the open about my dreams and goals and ask for help to accomplish them, or when I cry out in frustration or anger and make requests of desperation to no one in particular, and then some kind of inkling of some kind of response makes its way to me. Who is listening? How is my reality responding to me? Like how that lady at the nail shop told me why I need to start investing and different ways I can start off small, and then the next day our bonus at work was secured. Because what a coincidence, right? Unless you don’t really believe in coincidences. I don’t. I believe everything has a meaning and a reason. Whether or not you choose to recognize it, accept it, or utilize it. I also believe that both that sign and that meaning is whatever you choose to make of it. So I’m going to make a note. When different nuances of Nature stand out to me. And how life speaks to me concerning my experiences. Listen with me, as #NatureTalks


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