Chattering Squirrels

    I got really upset today. Someone very close to me had been struggling with something that has been very painful to watch. They asked for help over a week ago, but whenever it is time to get together and work on things, there is always a reason why it can be done later...and of course the later time never really gets here. Or, when time is finally made, they want to fuss and argue and display obvious signs of exasperation with anything that I offer. Of course, I am then no longer willing to give any more of my time or help. But then I have to witness this struggle again, which is very painful.
    So anyway, today, another episode of “help me, but not really”, which ended in the usual frustration. I went for a walk, as I usually do, but this time I called a friend to vent. It’s broad daylight, mind you. And as I’m walking and expressing my frustration at the same time, something began rattling the bushes. I ignored it at first, but then I got a little worried, because the bushes began moving even more and noise began coming from the bush. As I’m looking for whatever is coming for me, a squirrel jumps from the bush onto the tree, with his tail bushy and waving, chattering fiercely while looking at me. No lie, I was a bit taken aback. That squirrel had something to say! And whatever it was saying, I needed to hear!
    What, though, did the squirrel say? To calm down. That this struggle was not mine to be overwhelmed with. 

Because that is the message of the squirrel, 
It’s really not that serious!

    Let’s think about the squirrel for a moment. They jump around from tree to tree, dart out in front of cars or pedestrians seemingly without thought or care, even lose their nuts and go on about their business like it never happened-just on to the next. 

Yes, the squirrel teaches us how to live without worry and let things go. 

      I got off the phone shortly after that squirrel jumped out at me. It made me realize that I was upset, but I didn’t have to be. It made me think...maybe sometimes a request for help is more of a request for support over guidance. And maybe that support is simply being there. Sometimes that support is simply honoring where another person is in their life. And just being there beside them.  Not taking on their struggle and the emotions that go along with it. 
    That’s a hard lesson for me. I like to take action; and my friends know that I am the person to come to when they are ready to get things done. Not that I can’t handle venting, because I can. I just only take so much, and then I’m like, Well what is being done to change this. These past few months have been giving me opportunity upon opportunity to grasp this concept- Change begins with the acceptance of Self. And accepting yourself is like when a baby looks at their reflection for the first time-it’s unrecognizable and scary. Helping others recognize themselves is mostly just being a stable presence. I think that finally I am beginning to realize that. 
Thank you, Squirrel, for helping me see that my frustration is unnecessary.
For helping me realize that honoring a request for help means respecting where a person is in their growth, and honoring them where they are. Ahimsa-respect for all living things AND avoidance of violence. That means not forcing my opinion or tactics or approach on others, even when they ask for help. Ahimsa-respecting where people are in their journey. Their journey, not mine. 
    Now, excuse me please, while I go apologize and right my wrongs.



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