Hey Guys :)

    Heeelllllllloooooooooooooooo!!! And welcome back to the Yoga With Meg Show. 

I took an unannounced and unplanned leave of absence, and I do appreciate and thank you for your patience while I have been away. And when I tell you that this past 12 months has been an unplanned roller coaster ride with loopty-loops and hidden waterfalls, I tell ya!!! It’s been an adventure, y’all. So much of an adventure, that I put it all in a separate post that you can read here.

Closeup Photography of Pink Rose Flower

Life is though, in a lot of ways, beginning to fall into place. My health scare that began in 2017 has been addressed and diagnosed, and has not caused many problems since! But for those of you who do not know, the summer of 2017 I began having unexplained seizures. They were sporadic at first, but as the year went on the occurrences began to develop into a predictable pattern, and a year later they were happening almost as often as monthly. I did the run around with a few different doctors who simply wanted to write things off as late developed epilepsy, but I have no family history of that condition, and I had been working on my health (weight, diet, lifestyle) and really could not have been in better physical shape. Finally, after meeting with a specialist and doing a few different studies, we unveiled that I had developed PTSD several years ago, and because it had never been treated (and because life continued to happen, without pause) my mental had basically come to the point where too much stress of any kind would warrant a reset and initiate a seizure. Just a bit more of transparency, I had been through several periods of depression, and already experienced adrenal fatigue, all before the seizures began. 

    The downtime that those seizures brought, especially during that second year, made me deal with and work on myself in areas that I didn’t even realize had been deprived. That downtime also made me realize that I had come to find out the hard way that it is never wrong to acknowledge that you are overwhelmed, and it’s always ok to ask for professional help. Friends and loved ones are great support during hard times, and our faith gives us both strength and hope. But sometimes you go through things and you come out of it not feeling like yourself, or angry for reasons you can’t really explain. Or sometimes life asks you to let go of something that you held very dear, and things just don’t make as much sense as they used to. Life is hard for everyone, but you don’t have to deal with it or go through it alone. And I think that is the most important thing that I have learned from this whole situation—You’re stronger than you think you are, and you don’t have to deal with things alone. Yes, you are loved, and you are supported. By friends and family, but also by doctors and educated professionals. 

Three Pink Roses on White Table

So where has this downtime and rediscovery of personal strength left me?

Well I’m currently residing in Atlanta GA (welcome back after 10 years!!). And now that my health is back in order,  I am getting back to yoga and fitness-so be on the lookout for a new Instagram and more Youtube videos! That has also left me digging even deeper into health and wellness, and studying how much lifestyle and living conditions play a role in your everyday health. Naturally, that means more posts on wellness, balanced eating, and stress-free living (whatever that entails). My downtime from the seizures has also given me lots of time for leisure study as well, if there is such a thing. So I will be sharing even more on astrology and how happenings with the stars affect our every day being in measures and happenstances that are not always so subtle. Yep, back to the business of regularly posting on topics such as the yogic lifestyle, health and fitness, conscious eating, and naturally inspired living that is aligned and in tune.

And you always email me with suggestions at YogaWithMeg1234@gmail.com!


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