Covid Weight


   Ok, so let me be real honest. I’ve gained about 30 since the beginning of the year. And 20 of them have only recently come in the past 3 months, since the Covid shutdown. I have to lose weight. I can feel it in my chest and on my shoulders, I can see it in my arms and belly (and booty, though I’m not complaining about that last one 😉🙃). But I mostly need to lose weight because none of my clothes fit-none of them. Not even the sweatpants, and I thought sweatpants never got too little!

    So yeh, like most of everyone else due to the Covid shutdown, I have not been nearly as active as usual, I have been feeding my boredom with sweet things, and I have been dealing with the known and unknown stresses of a pandemic. These are some questionable times that we are living in and my weight has noticed. 

    But the summer is here! And I want my body to have a shape with clean cut curves, over one that is solidly round- ya know what I mean?! So (again, probably like almost everyone else in preparation for the summer) I am rededicating myself to fitness and being the healthiest person that I can be. Now what exactly does that mean? Well, for me, it means that I will be picking my daily yoga practice back up, that I will be starting back using the gym at least 3 times a week, and that portion control/habit awareness will be back into full affect. So that looks like earlier bedtimes and earlier rising times. It also looks like I will be talking on the phone and meeting up for wine less, so that I can go get my workout in. And it looks like I’m really about to be back in the kitchen cooking every other night instead of finding something “quick” (and not very filling) to eat on the go. Bleh.

    But I’m actually pretty excited about it! I haven’t been to the gym or kept a regular routine in a while and I’m excited to see where my body truly is. Have my muscles weakened; have I lost any of my flexibility; is my stamina even the same? So yeh, I’m pretty pumped to be getting back into the swing of things. And I’m telling you guys all of this so you can help me stay motivated and keep me accountable to my word. I woke up around 6 this morning and did some yoga. When my boyfriend gets off work today we will go to the gym for a quick cardio workout. The first full week of July I will start back posting videos on my social media accounts. And you can look forward to more posts on yoga, body strengthening and conditioning, and food!


See ya soon!!


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