New Moon Bath

This is a ritual that I like to partake in every month during the time of the New Moon. The New Moon is a time to create fresh goals and begin new habits, which, of course, means releasing the people and situations from last month that have served their purpose. It also includes letting go of whatever happenstances that seem to make no sense whatsoever.

I take this bath at night, or sometimes very early in the day before the Sun has risen, while the Moon is still out. Here’s a list of things I use

1 White Taper Candle and Holder
Smudging Sage
3 Tea-light Candles
New Moon Tea
Olive Oil and New Moon Candle Dressing
Pen and Paper
Rose Water and Bath Crystals
Burning Bowl (fire safe dish)
Grace Essential Oil
Incense (your choice) and Burner


The first thing I do is turn off all distractions (I turn off the TV and silence my phone, and if there are people around, I tell them not to bother me). Then I sage the place – every room in my home, taking extra time in the bedroom and bathroom as there is where the bulk of my ritual will take place. As I sage, I pray. I am grateful for the good times and the positive company. I remember the lessons of maturity and growth. I am appreciative of the strength gained from the struggles. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes anger and frustration bubble up. I acknowledge them all. I don’t stifle the emotions, I let them express themselves and as I think of whatever situation brought up those emotions I say, “Thank you for that experience. For teaching me and showing me and letting me grow. Now I release the pain and the hurt and I give myself permission to move forward into happier experiences and more positive people”.
After I’ve saged all my rooms, I make a pot of New Moon Herbal Tea.
Next, I run my bath water and prepare my candles. In the tub I put 7-10 drops of essential oil, 2-3 capfuls of bath crystals, and 1 cup of Rose Water.
To prepare my candles (did I mention that I sage those too?), first I sprinkle my New Moon Candle Dressing herbs onto a regular sheet of notebook paper (just because it’s easier to dress the candle this way). Then I take a cotton ball, dip in Olive Oil, and anoint my taper candle from the wick to the base. Once it’s covered in oil, I roll it in the herbs that I sprinkled onto the notebook paper. I dress my tea-light candles the same way, sprinkling the herbs on top.
When the bathwater is finished running, I prepare to get in. I set up my candles and incense along the edge/side of the tub. Sometimes, I have 1 glass of wine with my bath, depending on how I’m feeling. Most times I save the tea for the meditation that I do after the bath, I just prepare it beforehand because I like to go straight from the bath to the bedroom with no lollygagging in between.
I light my incense and candles and then enjoy my soak. While I’m sipping and soaking, I think about how much I’ve evolved over the past month. I think of all the things I’ve learned, the mistakes I’ve made, and the areas that I could still stand to grow in. Then I begin to set my intentions for the up and coming month. I refocus my goals; I analyze my needs; I envision myself on track and succeeding.
When I am finished bathing and out of the tub, I *carefully* transfer my candles and incense to my bedroom, where I have my pen and paper, burning bowl, and teapot and cup set up. Sometimes I towel dry, sometimes I air dry, but either way, I pour my tea and do some grounding breathwork. When I’m ready, I begin writing.
I use the pen and paper to declare my intentions and set my goals (no more than 3), and then I make a list of no more than 10 things that are geared toward helping me reach my goals for the month. All of the things on the list are DIRECTLY related to my goals – this is a manifestation ritual, be precise and distinct. When my list is complete, I meditate on it. I envision the success of my goals and the far reaching impact that they will have. I see myself complying with the details of the list and bringing them to fruition. I am grateful for the growth and personal advancement that will accompany my success.
When I can confidently recall my list (and yes, I also write them down in my Vision Board Journal), I use the flame of my taper candle to set the list afire, and I drop it into my burning bowl.
I watch my candle until it burns all the way down and then I do one round of Sun Salutations before I retire to bed for the night.


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