The Planets

Energy is All. Physics has taught us this. All objects are masses of energy that are moving and combining at different speeds and rates. This includes the stars, planets and satellite bodies. These physical attributes and subtle-frequencies affect us in varying degrees, in both physical and subconscious levels.

In the eyes of a star gazer the planets represent more than just balls of gas burning at mass distances. They are repeating patterns that are mirroring basic principles and concepts found throughout every aspect of life. 

Ancient cultures understood life through nature. Yearning for comprehension and understanding began with the worship of gods and nature. Movement of heavenly bodies and their effects, and the structuring of astronomical principles were the gods making themselves present in our lives.

The main gods were given planetary thrones, and lesser deities were used name the other celestial bodies. The fixed stars were divided into constellations and homes for the planets (gods and deities) to roam through. The gods created us and determined our physical functioning.They manipulate our actions and guide our behaviors. In this way, the planets regulate the energy flow. This flow of energy determines the depth of our life's experiences. Planets are the colored lenses that depict life in all it’s ebbs and flows. Planets are the embodiment of impulse and control-the basic forces of nature; they are the drive and motif of the unconscious.

Click the starred links below for an overview of each planet.
*The Luminaries*

*The Sun*

*The Moon*
*The Personal Planets*



The Social Planets


The Transpersonal Planets





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