The Luminaries

Who are the Luminaries?

Well, they are the brightest objects in our sky-the Sun and Moon, of course. Luminary is a term that means source of light, and for this reason the Sun and Moon are set apart from the rest of the known planets in our solar system. They represent our solar purpose. 

Energetically speaking, the Sun and the Moon show where our spiritual consciousness lies. The placement of the Sun describes how we choose to seek what we become. The placement of the Moon at our time of birth will determine the characteristics that we choose to display as we become that thing. The Sun and Moon are the duality that lies within us all. Just as the day and night are both needed to complete a full day, Yang and Yin respectively represented with these planets are need to be made fully aware of within our lives so that we can operate at our optimal potential. When both of these energies are fully recognized in our individual lives, we are not only able to maintain our creative capacity through emotional maturity and stability, but we are also display better judgement and use more insight.


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