Centering and Grounding

Centering is a way to bring yourself back to the present moment. Grounding is a conscious awareness of your body and physical senses in the current moment. Though they are different, they typically go hand in hand. You can reach a centered and grounded mental state by taking a few deep, focused breaths.  Here’s how…
-Take 3 deep breaths. (You can have a specific focal point for this, drop your gaze low, or even close your eyes if that’s comfortable.) (Let your breaths be on a 4 count minimum….4 counts to inhale, 2 counts to pause, then 4 counts to exhale, and another 2 counts to pause before taking the next inhale.)
-Keeping your breath even, and holding your visual focus, become aware of the quality of your breath, the temperature of your location, and the clothes your body.
-Then become aware of your body. Begin with attention to your toes, the bottoms of your feet, your ankles, your calves, and on up your body to the top of your head.  Then take 3 breaths reveling in this space.
-In the same manner, work your way down from the top of your head back to the tips of your toes. 3 more deep breaths in this space.
-When you are ready, open your eyes or lift your gaze (if applicable). Stay in this awareness as you begin to move around and go on about your day.


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