Winter Root Salad


Sweet Potato - 1, small
Pecans - ½ c
Carrots - 2
Poppy Seeds - 2 Tbsp
Celery - 1 stalk
Sesame Seeds - ¼ c
Red Cabbage - ¼ c
Olive Oil - 6 Tbsp
Broccoli Florets - 1 c
Honey - 2 Tbsp
Rutabaga - 1
Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 Tbsp
Parsnip - 1
Dijon Mustard - 2 Tbsp
Beets - 1
Black Pepper - 4 tsp

Wash all vegetables and cut root veggies into small chopsticks, and break apart broccoli florets into smaller pieces. Place into serving bowl.
In a small container that has a lid, combine Olive Oil, Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, Dijon, and Black Pepper. Shake vigorously to mix. (Ta-da! You just created a homemade vinaigrette!)
Chop Pecans, and combine with seeds.
Pour vinaigrette and seed mix, a little at a time, over veggies and toss to coat.
Let cool in refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.


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