Turmeric Carrot Soup


Butternut Squash - 1
Coconut Milk - ½ c
Carrots - 5
Olive Oil - 1 Tbsp
Garlic - 2 cloves
Turmeric - 1 Tbsp
Onions - 1
Ginger - 2 tsp
Fennel - 1 c
Cinnamon - ½ tsp
Leek - 1
Black Pepper - 1 tsp
Vegetable Broth - 3 c
Pink Himalayan Salt - ½ tsp

*only ⅓ of the butternut squash will be used for this recipe. The remainder will be used with Monday’s menu.
Wash, peel, and cut carrots and butternut squash. Dice onion, leek, garlic, and fennel.
In a pan, warm oil and spices over medium heat. Add veggies and sauté until soft
In a pot, bring vegetable broth to a boil and when vegetables are finished sautéing pour them into the pot.
When ingredients begin to boil, add milk and cover with a lid. Let cook for 5-7 minutes, then reduce heat and let simmer for 20 minutes.
Pour contents into a blender, and process until smooth. Return soup to the pot and rewarm.
Serve and Enjoy!


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