Spice It Up

    I believe in eating with purpose. Whether that purpose be to help me heal, to keep me healthy, or to relieve my stress. Food restores us physically and spiritually. That’s why the Kitchen has long been revered as a place of power and creation. But why? And how? Because Energy matters; and it cannot be created or destroyed-just manipulated and controlled. Which is what makes natural foods some of the purest and most powerful forms of stored energy. So when it comes to taking back ownership and claiming power over your life, what you eat is one of your biggest tools. That is partly why soup is so healing when one is sick and a favored meal can bring such forgiveness and restoration.
    This section is about how to get the most from your food. To teach which foods correspond to which elements, and to impart the recognition of what types of energy are stored in certain foods. My goal for this section is to teach you how to transcend some of the challenges that life throws your way simply by purposely choosing your ingredients and intentionally cooking for a desired outcome. Please, take some time and explore this section. Absorb some ancient knowledge, and try out some inspired recipes. And always remember,

Food is Sacred!
So eat what you need, share what you can, show appreciation, and impart what you know.


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