Orange Blossom Cake


Oat Flour – 1 ¾ c   
Vanilla Extract - 1 Tbsp & 1 Tbsp
Baking Soda – 1 tsp
Cardamom – ½ tsp
Coconut sugar – 1 c
Pink Himalayan Salt – ½ tsp
Coconut Oil – ½ c
Almond Milk – 1 c
Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 Tbsp
Coconut Water – ¼ c
Oranges – 2
Honey – 1 c
Preheat oven to 350°. Line a cake pan with parchment paper
In a bowl, whisk together oat flour, baking soda, salt, and sugar.
Stir apple cider vinegar into almond milk and set aside.
Zest and juice one orange and whisk together with 1 Tbsp of vanilla extract, oil, and cardamom, then pour into almond milk and stir well. Add milk mixture to flour a little at a time so as not to clump and whisk thoroughly.  
Pour batter into cake tin, and bake for 30 minutes. *Set a timer*
While cake is cooking, prepare glaze.
Zest the other orange and juice half of it (keeping them separate). Cut the other half into thin slices and sit to the side.
Combine orange juice, coconut water, and honey. Sit to the side.
When timer goes off, layer orange slices on top of cake, then continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. (If cake top is cooking faster than center, cover loosely with aluminum foil to finish baking)
When cake is finished cooking, let cool for a few minutes, then add glaze, and sprinkle zest on top. Let finish cooling before cutting and serving.


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