Apple-Pear Bake



Golden Delicious Apples, 2
Anjou Pears, 2
Olive Oil, 4 Tbsp + 2 Tbsp - separated
Organic Cane Sugar, 3 Tbsp
Ground Cinnamon, 1 Tbsp
Rolled Oats, ¼ c
Vanilla Ice Cream
Preheat oven to 350°. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and sit to the side. Mix cinnamon and sugar together and sit to the side.

Half and core apples and pears. Turn flesh side down, and thinly slice all the way across, but only ¾ of the way down so that fruit will hold together when baking.

Transfer to baking sheet and brush tops with 4 Tbsp of olive oil. Sprinkle fruit with ½ of cinnamon sugar mix and bake for 20-25 minutes. When fruit is soft remove from heat and let cool.

While fruit is baking combine remaining oil with sugar mix and oats. After fruit has cooled enough to handle, spoon the mixture into the slits. Rebake fruit for another 5-10 minutes.

Drizzle remaining oat-sugar mixture on top if any is left. Top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and Enjoy!


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