A.M. Meditation

I could go on, and on, and on about the importance of the breath and why it is so essential to keep your breath conscious and controlled. But I will not digress here. This post is a meditation that I like to use at the beginning of my day. It helps put me in a positive mental state before I get out of bed.

It's a pretty easy meditation, I very gently breathe into my individual body parts and muscle groups, from my toes and bottoms of my feet to the top of my head, and then back down again. That's all.

I don’t use any music when I do this meditation, because I use this time to practice linking my mind to my body. My mind, with the thought and intention of breathing into these individual parts; and my body, by consciously bringing awareness to and focusing on the feeling in those parts as I think of them. I take about 3-5 breaths in each one before I move on. As I move up my body, it helps me keep track of where I am if I imagine a bright white light filling me up. After I reach the top of my head, I imagine this light all the way around my body, on every side, in every direction-like I’m sitting in a bubble of pure, warm, white light. I take about 10 breaths and enjoy “floating” in this bubble before I begin to remind myself of where I am. I never imagine the light leaving my body-I practice always imagining myself full of light, and surrounded by it. When I come back to myself, I simply acknowledge my individual body parts and muscles groups from the top of my head back down to the bottoms of my feet and my toes-in the exact reverse order that I came up in.

I take a few breaths feeling my body on my bed; noticing the weight of the sheets and blankets on top of me; I even bring my attention to the layer of clothing between my body and the sheets before I get out of bed and start my day.

Let me know how this meditation works for you!



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